What is the Force?

Alex Parobek GRD '18

Within all genres of media there exist genre-breaking titles which transcend their conventional themes. Star Wars is one such genre-breaking title with its use of metaphysical and spiritual elements. Set in a distant galaxy, the story of Star Wars revolves around the struggles of a galactic civilization which is caught in a constant stream of political turmoil and revolution. This narrative begins with the 1977 Star Wars film, A New Hope, in which we follow Luke Skywalker, played by Mark Hamill, on his mission to defeat the evil Galactic Empire and his journey to discover the Force, an energy field that connects all living things and can be called upon at will.


The very existence of the Force and its mystical nature is seemingly antithetical to the setting of the film in which science and technology dominate its narrative framework, and, of the conventional science fiction story in general. This contradiction is depicted best at the end of the movie as Luke, from the cockpit of his spacecraft, gazes down the trench of the Death Star, the Empire’s giant space station. Just as he finishes preparing his targeting computer to destroy the Death Star, we hear the voice of his late mentor utter the phrase, “Use the Force, Luke.” Hearing this, Luke switches off the distraction of his ship’s targeting system and instead allows the Force to guide his way forward, ultimately leading to his victory. The mysterious nature of the Force—and how it is integrated into the Star Wars narrative—is what gives it a spiritual essence. We as Christians are tasked with seeing the light of Christ in our life and in others. It is a difficult task, and one that can even seem contradicted by the very nature of our world. However, it is in these stressful moments of life when we are tasked with making critical decisions that we must switch off our “targeting computers” and instead move in accordance with God’s plan.


Throughout each of the current eight main Star Wars’ films, this theme has been revisited on numerous occasions, and most recently in the 2018 Star Wars film: The Last Jedi. In The Last Jedi, Rey, played by Daisy Ridley, is mentored by a now old and wise Luke Skywalker. During a training session on the remote island where Luke lives, Rey asks Luke the simple question: “What is the Force?” Instead of giving a concrete answer, Luke instructs Rey to sit down in a meditative position on the island’s ground and then asks her to “Reach out with your feelings.” It is only after Rey calms her mind of distractions does she see the island in its entirety and the presence of the Force at play. Rey’s self-discovery of the Force, as well as Luke’s original self-discovery, parallels the journey of faith that we all pursue as Christians: The need to see the greater spiritual context of our world whether that be on Earth or in a galaxy far, far away.

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