This Lent, I am trying to refocus myself on the most important aspect of my life, God. I have become consumed in my Yale school work, housework, new marriage, new friends, and travels around the Northeast. It has gotten to the point where there does not seem to be time for much prayer, daily mass, etc., and this leaves me with an unsettling feeling. Why am I prioritizing these earthly things over my God who gives me life itself, countless blessings, and who wants every opportunity He can have to speak to me?
I do have some peace, though, because I know that our God is a patient one. The readings today can help us see that even when we wander, God is there waiting for us. The first reading shows us that despite the Israelites being unruly, God gives them new land and a prince (David) to get them back on track. The psalm then states, “The Lord will guard us, as a shepherd guards his flock.” Sometimes, sheep wander from the herd, but a shepherd never lets them wander too far. God will never let us wander too far away from Him if we do not want to get “lost.” Lastly, the Gospel tells us that Caiaphas, the high priest, prophesied that Jesus was going “to die for the nation, and not only for the nation, but also to gather into one the dispersed children of God.” We humans sentenced Jesus to death and yet, He died for us….
I pray that this Lent, I can have a change of heart and put God and my faith first. I will pray for all of you as well. God is patient, but let’s not wait too long. God bless.
(These readings also have the theme of unity among God’s people if one wants to explore this aspect of them as well! Galatians 3:23 can help with this exploration.)