Advent 2020


Advent 2020: Taking Flight to Do God's Work

STM Advent 2020_3450

Today’s first reading is from Isaiah. It is about the struggle of finding our way in this world and understanding how God will support us. As an avid birdwatcher I love the reference to the flight of an eagle. Cathy and I have spent many days this year walking the trails around Lake Chamberlain in Bethany, CT. We have had on a number of occasions the joy of watching eagles fly over the lake. The flight of an eagle is unique. Many large birds tend to fly a path that is not straight. They are buffeted by the wind and must constantly be correcting. Without getting too nerdy, this is caused by the lift of their wings being greater than the power of their muscles. An eagle flies with incredible grace. His muscles are so strong that he is able to keep his flight straight and smooth. It is one of the clues I use to identify them at a distance.  

Although they fly with control, the life of an eagle is precarious, as are ours. This past year has been a time when we all long for the pleasures of our “old normal world.” Wishes for the calm of the past are seldom satisfied. Isaiah tells us God will equip us with what we need to survive in this world and continue to do God’s work. In Matthew, Jesus calls on us to take up his yoke, his call. If we exercise our faith, God will ensure we have the strength we need to do his work in this tough world we are experiencing. This pandemic has given us many opportunities to show God’s kindness and love. We can take flight and do God’s work. 

Pat Leahy

Pat Leahy, AKA Chef Pasquale, is the head chef for the STM Wednesday Soup Kitchen. He was born on the Ides of March.