Today we celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. We commemorate the apparition of the Blessed Mother to Juan Diego, an Aztec Indian peasant who converted to Christianity, whose tilma or cloak bore the miraculous image of the Blessed Mother at Mt. Tepeyac.
Looking closely at the image of Our Lady Guadalupe, one can notice the black sash tied around Mary’s waist, a cultural symbol of pregnancy. The central part of her dress is bulging, meaning she is with child. Mary appeared to Juan Diego, bearing the child Jesus in her womb, manifesting her unique role as the dwelling place of God. Though during Advent, we anticipate the next coming of Jesus, this powerful image reminds us that God resides within us today. As Mary is the dwelling place of God, we are reminded that God’s presence is here and near.
Both the first reading and gospel begins with a salutation inviting us to rejoice. Our God is not a distant God, but He is within reach; a God who chose to reside with us. This comforting truth is an affirmation of God’s love for us. He chose us to be “his people.” He made the first move and invited us to an intimate relationship with him.
If God dwells within us, how might we become gracious hosts? Mary gave us an example. She offered herself as the “handmaid of the Lord.” The Blessed Mother showed us to be open to God’s will in our lives. In her Magnificat, she exclaims, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior . . . for He who is mighty has done great things for me and holy is His name.”
During this Advent season, may we recognize God’s constant invitation for us to be close to him. May we conform our actions according to the divine presence within us. May we recognize his presence in our lives and respond with unfailing trust.