In today’s Gospel, we hear of the time when Joseph learns of Mary’s pregnancy. Joseph knows that the baby is not his, and according to Jewish law, he must divorce Mary. Mary would face the consequences of adultery, including shame and possibly even death. However, being a righteous Jew, Joseph also understands the need to temper law with mercy. He instead decides to allow Mary back into his home and marry her anyway. Joseph goes beyond the ordinary with deep understanding and wisdom.
In our world, we are challenged every day with opportunities to temper the law with mercy. As a public health student, I am frequently reminded of the impacts of our country’s opiate epidemic. The law says that these users are addicts and criminals, suggesting that they do not deserve our care or assistance. However, as Christian people, we are called to engage deeper and be invested in the ongoing support and treatment of these persons through acts of mercy and prayer. Unfortunately, this is just one example of the need to be merciful within our legal system and evolving culture. However, Joseph’s example provides a concrete suggestion of how to work to be a more merciful ally to those who most need our support.
Because of Joseph’s radical decision, he embraced the welcoming of the Emmanuel, who is “God among us.” As persons of faith, we too are challenged, like Joseph, to live our lives with mercy and radically embrace our God found among us in all persons. This advent season, how are you preparing to welcome God among us every day in addition to the Baby Jesus on Christmas morning?