Advent 2021


Advent Reflection - Dec 21, 2017

advent-wreath-570674_960_720.jpgThe theme of today’s readings, and one of the major themes of the Advent season, is joy. Along with the people of Israel, we are exhorted to shout for joy, sing joyfully, and be glad and exult with all of our hearts. We are presented with the image of the Lord, our God, a mighty savior, rejoicing over his people with gladness and singing joyfully. We read how the moment that Mary’s greeting reached Elizabeth’s ears, the infant in her womb leaped for joy.

And yet, I suspect that many of us have a hard time moving through these weeks of Advent suffused with a feeling of overwhelming joy. It’s no secret that this is among the busiest times of the year, particularly here on a university campus. Papers, projects, finals, grading - to say nothing of shopping, wrapping, sending cards, planning holiday travel - most of us would reach for “stressed” or “hectic” as a description of our days this month, rather than “joyful.”

My prayer for us all, in these final days of Advent, is that we give ourselves some time to slow down, and to allow the joy and anticipation of the season to wash over us as our souls wait for the Lord. For in Him our hearts rejoice, and in His holy name we trust.

Maureen Long, Ph.D.

Maureen is Bruce D. Alexander ’65 Professor and Chair of the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Yale University.