The crowds came to Jesus full of hope, bringing with them all in need of healing. He worked dramatic transformations for some in the crowd– the lame walked, the blind were able to see. With these healings we see a change in the crowd. Before they came to Christ with hope. Now they glorify the God of Israel. When they see God’s glory and love poured out before them, they respond with gratitude. In the act of glorifying God, of showing Him their gratitude, they receive the joy and peace of remaining in Christ’s presence for three days.
In these days they participate in God’s life. Still, they are not asked to divorce themselves from human life. “My heart is moved with pity for the crowd,” says Christ, “for they have been with me now for three days and have nothing to eat.” Christ looks upon us in the fullness of our humanity. He knows that some among us may gather provisions for a single day. Yet inevitably, our strength will give out and our efforts will be lacking. In these times, He supplies the grace necessary for us to act. This Advent may we embrace our dependence on God, and in this way grow in relationship with Him.