Each and every day of our lives, we are bombarded with a multitude of thoughts, opinions, ideas and distractions. Sometimes, it becomes easy to miss what is happening right in front of our eyes. In Isaiah’s reading for today, we are called to remember God’s promise: “the eyes of the blind shall see.”
As the readings for today so gently remind us, the season of Advent is about slowing down, taking refuge in prayer, growing in faith for who He is in our lives, and allowing the Holy Spirit to open our eyes and prepare our hearts for the coming of our Savior.
During this Advent season, God yearns to heal our spiritual blindness, whatever that may be. Our spiritual blindness is what keeps us in the dark and holds us back from experiencing and radiating the light of Jesus Christ. What better time than Advent to recommit to living in the light, which defeats all fear and darkness.
I pray that during this advent season, each and every one of us will humbly have the courage to pray “Lord, open my eyes,” so that we may come to know Jesus as the light of the world. We yearn for Him and the light, for out of gloom and darkness, the eyes of the light shall see.