Isaiah tells us that “I, the Lord your God, teach what is for your good.” Matthew’s gospel, however, describes the frustration that Jesus sometimes felt when doing this teaching; his listeners saw John as a demon and Jesus as a friend of tax collectors and sinners. Jesus emphasized the value of actions over words by pointing out that “wisdom is vindicated by her works.”
How do we find these works of wisdom? We cannot expect to experience the blind seeing, the lame walking, or the leper being cured. We find this wisdom for searching for Lincoln’s “better angels of our nature” in those around us.
We find these remarkable angels in our own midst, those who volunteer in our soup kitchen, establish schools for the disadvantaged in New Haven, and lead medical teams to Nicaragua. As importantly, we see daily examples of care provided to disabled spouses, support for the poor, and being there for those in need.
When we reflect on these “works of wisdom”, we find the Lord within us. Observation of a generous act should bring to mind the true values in life. Recognition and replication of these works will give us strength on our spiritual journey.
Father Bob provided us with extraordinary examples of charity of spirit. The path which he outlined for us to find wisdom is now illuminated by our remarkable Saint Thomas More chaplains.
Advent is an excellent time to reflect on the wisdom and generosity of others in our search for inner peace.