Today’s gospel reading shows of a view of an unlikely believer. The Centurion lives in a world far from our view of the peaceable kingdom. He lives by order and laws. His compassion for his servant’s suffering causes him to search out Jesus asking him to dispense healing, the currency of Jesus’s world. Two thoughts come to my mind as I read this story:
The first is how often I turn to God in times of pain and suffering. Frequently after I have been complete oblivious of his presence in my daily life. Our culture of “a busy person’s life” has us practicing juggling multiple balls in the air. A practice that does not allow or reward quiet time to hear the whispers of God.
The second is how the Centurion is not a rabbi, doctor or academic scholar but just a working person. We should find it heartening that it does not require a person of great stature to achieve great faith. Faith is a gift. In this time of commercialism, we need to remember that gifts should be lovingly given and that they are not earned by the receiver. Also, once they bestowed, they are also not controlled by the giver.
I wish you all many quiet moments this advent season to prepare your heart for the arrival of Jesus.