Our readings today tell us to turn to God for joy, even in times of great difficulty. In the first reading from Baruch, the people of Jerusalem are subjugated and suffering and yet are called to take off their robe of mourning and misery and instead put on the splendor of God’s glory. This is no false promise of fleeting happiness, but instead a covenant of protection, grounded in peace, mercy and justice. Baruch spoke to a grieving community in Jerusalem that had witnessed the destruction of their city and the hands of the Babylonians. He echoes the prophets of exile, speaking comforting words to a people in trouble. It is difficult for us to imagine the depth of loss and despair that filled their hearts. However, the God who is faithful does not forget His people.
The glory and grandeur of God’s love is focused on the wellbeing of God’s people. The people of Jerusalem were conquered and exiled, led away on foot by their enemies. Of course they must have felt abandoned. And yet, our God is one of lost causes, the poor, and the downtrodden. For those most lowly, God will move mountains–make the mountains low and fill the age-old gorges. Our God goes to such lengths of grandeur simply to show us how much He loves and cares for us. No act, no miracle, no show of wonder is too great for our God where our joy, well-being, and solace is concerned. When one of us is suffering, be that from pain, anxiety, or loneliness, our God is immediately there for us, in our corner. Let us continue to listen to where our God is leading us this Advent season.