Lent 2021


Lent 2021: Small Acts of Faith

Each Small ActA Reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Lent

In the gospel reading today, Jesus heals a man born blind. In this profoundly beautiful passage, we watch as a man “who used to sit and beg” is transformed by the touch and instruction of Christ. Shortly after, our ever-skeptical friends the Pharisees question the man about how this might have happened. 

After several rounds of questions, in sincerity the man asks them, “Do you want to become his disciples, too?” At this point, my heart breaks. What simplicity and sincere trust this man has in the Lord—he does not know who He is or where He came from, but the blind man responds in faith the moment his heart is touched by the light of Christ. Because the man knows life without Christ, he cannot understand why anyone would refuse to be a disciple after seeing the Light.

After rereading this passage several times over the last week, I wonder where I fit into the picture. I see myself in the Pharisees with their hardened hearts; I see myself in the parents who refuse to answer in order to protect their reputation; but, most of all, I see myself in the blind man who responds with small acts of faith to the tugging on his heart.

This Lent, may we beg like the blind man for the gift of faith. In the mysterious beauty of God’s grace, our prayer for faith is itself the first act of faith. With each small act of faith, the Lord invites us to step further from the darkness into the light. In His goodness, He desires our full trust so that our hearts may be flooded with light: “Do you believe in the Son of Man?”

I do believe, Lord.