Post-Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday, and Valentine's Day, we don't exactly get to ease into Lent.... We are given unambiguous direction, straight from Moses - Choose life! Jesus' prescription is even more specific - Take up my cross! Our marching orders could not be more clear, nor the decision more stark. As many of us heard yesterday on Ash Wednesday, turn away fom sin, and be faithful to the Gospel. So what's so hard, just do the right thing and get to paradise....
The first part, from Moses, should be do-able: follow the commandments, prosper, and be fruitful. Ten easy rules, which we know by heart. Pay attention to God, to family, and to others. I go to Mass, but am I fully there with God, or am I worrying about work, timing and critiquing the homily, and checking out the guy in the next pew? Love dad, but did I snap at him last night when he was tired and hearing aid battery dead? Haven't killed or stolen lately, phew! But I blew past how many people asking for change this week? And then there is coveting; is it wrong to want more?
I can almost adhere to Moses' prescription so I'm halfway there. But what does it mean when Jesus says I must deny myself, and take up His cross? Alas, when I gave into a few vices instead of writing this reflection over the weekend, I was not denying myself. And why am I content to "like" prophetic posts on Facebook, or maybe send money from the comfort of my home, rather than sticking my neck out, taking the time to write a letter, go to a meeting, or show up at the rally?
I am still a work in progress. I try to follow the commandments, do good stuff, and even take a step or two with the cross before setting it down. May make it one more atep tomorrow. Same with you? We can take solace in today's psalm - Blessed are they who hope in the Lord!
Let us all pass this Lent walking in God's ways, carrying Jesus' cross, and having hope!