Today, as I am writing this while I am out having some lunch, the rain is coming down slow then hard, then back to slow again. If we think of rain as tear drops, and just as tears wipe away the dirt from our eyes; then rain in a sense is a way of washing away sadness to let the sun shine. Which is just as the Responsorial Psalm says, “Lord your words are spirit and Life.” These words let us know that God is a symbol of strength, steadfastness, he will lift our spirits to help us see clearly, and that he will always be with us and never let us face our troubles alone. He will show us that his words are truly a gift and the way to his heart. Which is exactly what God has given me over time, his love, his strength, has been there to lift me at my lowest. He as is said in the Psalm “a Rock” will always be there when I need him even when I do not feel I deserve his love for whatever reason; yet I remember as I have been told God is merciful and loving.
When I read Matthew’s Gospel one phrase that come to mind is “The Golden Rule” or also The Beatitudes as they are known. God as our holy Father Pope Francis asks that we help the least among us and treat them as we would want to be treated. God is asking us that when someone or (goats) wrongs us, we should not treat them as they did us. This is difficult I know even for me. Yet in a sense I feel when we treat the least among us as we were treated badly, that makes us no better than them. When we treat people like we would want to be, we are acting like the sheep and doing as God wants of us.
The Image of the Goats and Sheep used by Matthew is his way of trying to convey what God is asking of us. Goats are a stubborn creature who will do what they want and cause all kinds of trouble. They are very independent and will not follow the instructions of their shephard. Sheep on the other hand are calm, tranquil animals that find solace in living with and following their shepherd. They are not able to live on their own, and must have someone to care for them. For example, if they fall on their back, they are not able to get up and could die without the help of someone. I feel this image is used as a way of saying or showing peace is found in life; and it comes when we do as the sheep do follow Gods words and ways. Where if we act like the goats then “What you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for Me.”