Lenten Reflection


Lenten Reflection, February 25th

STM Lenten Image.jpgI am thinking of Fr. Bob as I write this reflection. I am thinking of that day in early January when he told the Assistant Chaplains about his diagnosis. Not wanting to forsake his work duties, he spent the rest of his day working on his theological reflections for our Small Church Community Journal for Spring 2018.

That afternoon, Fr. Bob wrote the following reflection on the transfiguration account:

The transfiguration of Jesus appears in the Gospels as Jesus begins to predict his imminent suffering and death. The disciples will be devastated by this tragic turn of events. To give them courage and to sustain them, they are given a glimpse of the glory of God in the transfiguration of Jesus. The memory of this experience will undoubtedly be a source of strength for them. When life is difficult for us, do we have the discipline to reach back into our experience and find encouragement to sustain us?

The challenge of these words takes on new meaning for me today, as I miss working with Fr. Bob and wish I could do more to help him. I find myself trying to recall what he has taught me and the joyful moments the other Assistant Chaplains and I have shared with him.

This is the spiritual challenge of the transfiguration narrative. To remember that in times of suffering, we are called to go back and remember, remember those times when God felt close, those times when we experienced God’s power and glory, those times when like Peter we wanted to protect the moment so that it would last and not end.

As we all miss Fr. Bob, let us all take time to remember him in our thoughts and prayers. Recall his joy, his humor, his homilies, and pray for his recovery, so he will be with us again soon.STM Lenten Image.jpg

Carlene Demiany '12 M.Div. '14 S.T.M.

Carlene Demiany '12 M.Div. '14 S.T.M.

Carlene is an Assistant Chaplain at STM.