Let Go and Trust in God


Lent is a time of reflection. The big question of the season is “What are giving up for Lent?” And if you ask my family, traditionally you will hear answers like candy, soda, coffee, or alcohol. However, I know my third-grade catechist teacher was not very impressed by these answers. “How does giving up … make you a better Christian, how is it helping you grow closer with God or to others?” She 2024 Lent Reflections (41)instead tried challenging us to give compliments to our friends and family every day, make a point to pray the rosary, or read the Bible. I just recall one of my classmates responding, “but that’s so much harder.” But, in the words of Father Ryan, that is the point. How do you react when your faith is challenged, do you let God be your help, or do you run from Him?

In today’s gospel, we see Judas faced with temptation, 30 pieces of silver for Jesus’ life. Now, in modern times, ransom prices have been placed at millions of dollars, so it is a bit shocking when you hear Judas gave up Jesus for only 30 pieces of silver, about $250 to $300 today. But, as Jesus says, “Let he who is without sin be the first to cast the stone.” I will be the first to say, I do not remember the last time my Lenten promise was held perfectly and I recognize that I am not a perfect person. For Judas, it was $300 to betray his lord, but have so many of us not betrayed others for less? We gossip just for the sake of entertaining our friends, or we turn a blind eye to those in need for our own comfort. 

We fall into temptations all the time, they are hard to resist, but that is the point. It is not about being the perfect Christian, but recognizing that we are imperfect, asking for forgiveness for our sins, and striving to improve. Now, as we enter into the Triduum tomorrow and the Lenten season nears its end, it is time to reflect back on all that we have done, and all we have failed to do. Be proud of how far you have come in your journey, but take note of where you have fallen short, where you need to learn to let go and trust in God.

Alicia Cazares '25

Alicia Cazares '25 is a student in Yale College.