First Sunday of Lent

When our children were much younger, my wife and I spent a lot of time taking them to other kid’s birthday parties. We’d hang out by the chips and...

Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Lent: The Father's Ambassadors

Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Lent: The Father's Ambassadors

Today’s Gospel tells a story of the power of witness. Jesus is conversing with the Pharisees and Jews, explaining who he is. Jesus tells them, “The...

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Monday of the Fifth Week of Lent: Failings Made Public

Monday of the Fifth Week of Lent: Failings Made Public

C.S. Lewis wrote that all the worst sins are “purely spiritual: the pleasure of putting other people in the wrong, of bossing and patronizing and...

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Fifth Sunday of Lent: How Possibly Could I Not?

Fifth Sunday of Lent: How Possibly Could I Not?

When people outside of the faith first learn that I am Catholic, they typically ask the same basic question. Namely, they ask me how I can possibly...

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Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord: Docility

Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord: Docility

STM's staff will share an image and reflect on it each Saturday. Today, Grace reflects on Mary's docility and her time at Nazareth Farm in West...

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