Remain in Him

On Tuesday night, while stationed at the entrance of the STM lecture hall for The Long Night Against Procrastination and overseeing a basket of...

Embrace the Offer

Embrace the Offer

You search the Scriptures, because you think you have eternal life through them; even they testify on my behalf. But you do not want to come to me to...

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Putting Christ at the Center

Putting Christ at the Center

There is a great temptation among many Catholics, including myself, to allow their faith to be obscured by earthly concerns; to elevate the ancillary...

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A Present God

A Present God

I don’t think I am alone in sometimes finding it difficult to recognize God’s presence in my life. This reality was particularly brought home late...

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The Grace of Belief

The Grace of Belief

In a recent workshop during “nun school” on Scripture and interculturality, a Scripture scholar provided several examples of Biblical stories where...

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