Advent 2019


Reflection for Friday, 3rd Week of Advent

400x400 advent artMy daughter just came home from college for Christmas. It was a welcome sight to see her happy, healthy, and In a state of much less stress. It emphasized for me the promise of Advent, to have both my children and an intact family under one roof for the next month as we await the birth of Jesus at Christmas.

Today’s reading from Luke’s gospel also reminds us of the promise of Advent, the promise of God to send his Son in human form to his weary people. It is a refreshing balm to read amid the hustle, the struggle, the dark winter nights that are the hallmark of early December. The peace and wisdom of Mary, despite her youth, to lovingly accept the words of Gabriel that she would bear the Son of God, despite the social implications of bang an unmarried young woman. It reminds one that it is so much easier to rest in the words of the Lord to give everything over to him. The yoke of the daily grind of decisions, tasks, and duties can be lightened by sharing that yoke with God.

As we walk with Mary through Advent, may we always be reminded of the supreme love of God. May we be able to wonder and marvel at the gift of Jesus at Christmas and every day of our lives.

Kirsten Bechtel M.D.

Dr. Bechtel is a member of the STM Community.