“They are like gardens beside a stream, like the cedars planted by the LORD.”
While it’s only a minor part of the first reading, it’s the nature imagery that stands out to me. Perhaps this imagery stands out to me so much because of its contrast with the wintry scenery currently surrounding us. The gardens have died and the trees have shed their leaves, yet winter is a time of renewal, and there’s an undeniable beauty in that. It’s a season full of possibility and expectancy of what is coming. This process of renewal prepares us so that we can bloom more fully when the spring arrives with its beautiful blossoms, gardens and bushy trees. It can be very difficult to do this preparation of shedding our dead leaves. The deep introspection and vulnerable conversation with God in prayer required to know what we need to leave behind, what we need to improve, to recognize our imperfections and shortcomings can be very painful. We have to put our ego completely aside.
Maybe we’re not quite ready for Jesus’ arrival at Christmas quite yet. Maybe we have a lot more preparation to do. That’s ok. We’re not oracles (well, I’m certainly not at least), and we might not have that same clarity that Balaam has, which frankly feels almost unattainable and difficult to relate to. So how can we , concretely work on improving our communication with God, and our resolve to act upon what we hear in order to prepare? Maybe through the Examen, maybe through using the little blue book or other such tools to practice lectio divina, maybe through confession, maybe the rosary, there are many options for many styles. We can look to the wintry trees as a model of the simultaneous vulnerability and determination required in this season. We know that spring will follow winter, which should give us a sense of joyful expectancy throughout advent. Jesus IS coming. The star from Jacob the oracle sees is advancing. This perspective is important. Our preparations are for the renewal of life that Jesus brings, so that we can accept this renewal as fully as possible.