How good is delivery right now?
Whether it’s essential supplies being delivered, another delicious Thai or pizza dinner, or some new clothes with a bit more “breathing room” (yep, that’s where I’m at right now—and definitely not connected to all the pizza in any way), it’s pretty incredible that we can sit on our couch with a phone, press a few buttons, and real things turn up at our homes. The important work of so many delivery drivers is keeping so many people fed, clothed, and healthy—especially during this time of self-isolation.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus uses imagery of himself, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit coming towards us. Jesus and the Father come to us and dwell with us when we love Jesus and keep his word. And God sends the Holy Spirit to us in the name of Jesus to teach and remind us of this word. The images today of God’s love (from the Greek word agape meaning a divine, all-encompassing love) and Spirit reminded me of all the deliveries I’m relying on right now.
God’s love/Holy Spirit aren’t just ideas or warm feelings —when they show up in our lives they show up in real ways—as real things—in the way we make time for others, and treat all people with this love. Like in the first reading, God is already present in this beautiful spring weather, our daily bread, and experiences of joy—we just need the eyes to see God.
What would the experience of receiving agapic love or the Holy Spirit look like for you today? Could it come out through an intentional act of love for someone? Or could it be at the door ready to teach or remind you of some way this Love is already present in your life?