Lent 2020


Reflection: Monday of the Second Week of Lent

STM Simply final_300When I recite the readings for today over and over the words that stand out are simple.  Those words are justice and mercy, God's justice and mercy.  This message for me seems so appropriate for this time of year -- Lent.  Lent is a time in the year when I am in wonderment of what Jesus endures for each of us.  The readings and Gospel talk of God's mercy and not being judgmental towards people.  This reminds me of what Jesus yelled out on the cross as he was being crucified “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.Luke 23:34  We may all find it easy to show mercy to people through activities like volunteering, listening to those who need of an ear, giving of our talents to help others.  God's mercy is unconditional, and he is a God of mercy and compassion.  His call for mercy is not as we humans would be, but as God would do.

The difficult part of today's reading is justice -- being asked by Jesus to show justice as his father would; not as a human would show justice, but as God would show justice and mercy. To turn the other cheek, to forgive what has been done to us, to not make harsh remarks if someone says something we do not agree with.  This can be hard to do because I have had people say and do things to me that hurt.  Yes, I do not think I will ever forget what they did, but I am going to have to work on forgiving them, and letting it go. I am not saying this will be easy, but this is the call God is asking. I don't know how to begin to do this -- all I can come up with is saying “God guide me and give me the strength and courage needed to forgive those who have wronged me.”

As I sit and write this, a thought that came to mind is not judging ourselves.  This is hard, because I find it so much harder to forgive myself for the judgements of hurts I have done to myself. We must be kind to ourselves; to not be harsh to our own self.  As I am writing this reflection, I realize that God is asking us to not only to not judge others, but to look at ourselves with kindness and mercy.  The same kindness and mercy we show and give to everyone else.  I am not saying be selfish, but be kind to ourselves as well as others. 

In showing justice and not being judgemental toward others we are showing God’s mercy and are forgiving them for wronging us. I am truly sorry if I have ever said anything unkind to anyone in any way here at STM.  God's message is one that comes at the right time of year, Lent is a time of forgiveness and mercy not only from God to the ones who have wronged us, but also to ourselves.  Like I said to my mom once, "This will mend our hearts and begin anew."

Sarah Renzi

STM Community Member