In today's Gospel (John 8: 51-59) Jesus is asking a favor of us. A favor that he knows is a difficult one to ask, yet a very important one. “Amen, Amen I say to you whoever keeps my word will never see death.” These are the words he spoke to the Jews present. He is asking us to keep his word and trust it -- if I keep his word, I shall not die. I think the death Jesus is talking about is not our physical one, but our spiritual one. Our life with him after we have physically left our earthly life. We are asked to trust him by doing wondrous deeds for others and prepare ourselves to join him in eternity. This is an ongoing task for me.
Like the Jews who asked him, "Are you greater than our father Abraham?", he tells them that if he glorifies his name then his word is meaningless. I think Jesus is asking us when we do good deeds not to look for praise, just know he knows it was done. Don’t go looking for an Ego bust, trust he saw and knows. The Jews are feeling uneasy and Jesus is trying to reassure them, but like a normal critic, they have great trouble believing him. If we put ourselves in their place could we believe? They start to get into an argument and question Jesus greatly. They start to think what has gotten into this man who claims to be the son of God. This scripture makes me wonder about my relationship with the father and the son. What type of relationship do I have with the father? The answer to this is not easy for me, I often wonder especially in these times; but it makes me rely more on what God has promised us all -- we will never face a parallel alone. As it is written “God is with you – wherever you may go and no matter what life brings.” Joshua 1:9 it is also written using other words, but same meaning in many other places in the bible. We each have our own relationship with God and that relationship is a personal one, one only each person can answer.
The Psalm today helps to articulate this point. Psalm 105 verse 4 “Look to the Lord in his strength; seek to serve him constantly. Recall the wondrous deeds that he has wrought, his portents, and the judgments he has uttered.” When I recite this verse it makes me remember all the blessings God has bestowed on me. A love, life, friends, faith community, my love of music, a home etc. We all have our own blessings to remember and we all are Gods children. These words give me hope, and by having hope I can have faith. As I am writing this section, a piece of music came on that is so familiar to us all, the beautiful Ave Maria written by Franz Schubert. This piece makes me feel so peaceful, peaceful in knowing that God's love is always with me. The words, melody, tone, and rhythm are steady, soothing, uplifting to imagine that Maria, his mother, standing by him steadfast in her faith of him and what she was called to do.
Dear Lord, let me never forget you are by my side and give me strength to trust you now and always.