It has been a month since Lent began, almost to the day, and just two weeks remain in the Lenten
season. It is the perfect time to perform an “examination of Lent” – essentially, to pause and
reflect prayerfully on your Lenten journey thus far. Consider the three tenets of this liturgical
season: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. How have you incorporated each of these pillars intoyour life? Which of the practices that you have introduced into your daily life have brought you
closer to the Lord?
The Lord reaches out to us today in the responsorial psalm with a message of encouragement and
a rallying cry. We are invited to escape the worldly sins and temptations that we are besought by
and “take refuge” in the Lord’s infinite grace. God is described as a shield “who saves the
upright of heart”; when we call out to Him with the love and trust of children, He comes to our
aid and protects us as a Father. As we continue throughout the Lenten season, we are reminded
that the Lord will “sustain the just” as they quest for a deeper communion with Him.
This moment is the crucial juncture where we decide if this Lent will be ordinary or
extraordinary. We have mere days left to prepare before the Resurrection of our Savior; now is
the time to refocus ourselves on Christ and renew our search for a closer relationship with Him.
As we enter the final days of Lent, surrender to His boundless love and open your heart that He
may strengthen you and prepare you for His saving Resurrection.
Lord, you who are the “searcher of heart and soul” know our hearts more intimately than we
can imagine. There is nothing that can remove Your love and mercy from us; give us the strength
to turn to You for help as we strive to devote ourselves wholly to You, now and always. Amen.