Running on Faith: Pass It On

Pass It On

A running friend, who has actually written a few of our Advent and Lenten Scripture reflections, sent this image to me a couple weeks ago, saying: “I saw this while out on a run this afternoon and thought you could use a smile :).” So, in that same spirit, I’d like to pay that love forward, and I hope that this little message from Jesus out on the trail makes you smile.

Jesus tells us in today’s Gospel that “the works that the Father gave me to accomplish – these works that I perform testify on my behalf that the Father has sent me.” As one writer puts it, the works that Jesus performed throughout his life offer testimony to the mission his Father gave him. If we understand this, we will be able to embrace our own mission in life.

When we think about Jesus’s works, we might immediately think of his miracles and mighty deeds. But as we see throughout John’s Gospel, people still could not grasp Jesus’s divinity and union with the Father, even after witnessing these things. And although his miracles were extraordinary – and certainly garnered a lot of attention for himself – the most important work that Jesus performed was simply being himself. Jesus’s honesty, sincerity, humility, care and concern for others were all examples of his – and his Father’s – authentic love for anyone in or on his path.

Throughout your day today, whatever you encounter in and on your path, might you be able to recognize some sign of Jesus’s love and care for you? If so, then honor and celebrate this sign that points to God, who is love. And whatever you encounter on your path today, let your humility, your sincerity, your care and concern for others be a testimony to the presence of God in the here and now. There’s your mission. Pass it on.

Fr. Ryan Lerner, Chaplain

Fr. Ryan Lerner, Chaplain

Running on Faith is a blog by Fr. Ryan Lerner, Catholic Chaplain at Yale University. An avid runner, Fr. Ryan takes to the streets of New Haven each morning at dawn, where he finds inspiration in the rhythm of his steps and the quiet of the early hours.