Running on Faith: Running for Refugees

Team STMThis past Sunday, as in the Gospel Jesus urged us all to strive for a higher order of righteousness, several members of the Saint Thomas More community made a righteous showing at the annual IRIS Run for Refugees here in New Haven.

The sun was out and temperatures were relatively mild for a February morning in New England, making for near perfect racing conditions for the over 2,000 runners, joggers and walkers who made it to the starting line that day. Team STM included Pat Ryan-Krause, of the Yale School of Nursing; Maureen Long, of the Yale Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, along with her family; Sarah Nikkel, of the Yale Office of Development; and Jill Martin, Professor of Legal Studies at Quinnipiac University. Members of the STM Leadership Team also made a good showing, with Robin McShane, STM Director of Communications and Assistant Chaplains Sr. Jenn Schaaf, O.P., Allan Esteron and Grace Carroll, who was the fourth female finisher and finished second in her age group. Student runners included Paul Meosky, of Yale Law School: Claire Latendresse, Yale School of Public Health; Miren Lopez, Yale School of Public Health; Alicia Cazares, Yale College ’25; Mary Margaret Schroeder, Yale College ’24; Marcus Lisman, Yale College ’25, who finished third overall—and Connor Rockett, of the Yale School of the Environment, who won the race handily.

At the starting line, one of the race directors reminded the athletes that they get to run for fun, but people around the world are running for their lives. They are running from violence and are looking to find safety. We thank the members of Team STM, who began their Sunday Sabbath by offering their prayers, presence and perseverance over the course of 5,000 meters to support their brothers and sisters who, holding onto hope, run across great distances and amidst grave dangers for a better life, for themselves, their children and families.

Fr. Ryan Lerner, Chaplain

Fr. Ryan Lerner, Chaplain

Running on Faith is a blog by Fr. Ryan Lerner, Catholic Chaplain at Yale University. An avid runner, Fr. Ryan takes to the streets of New Haven each morning at dawn, where he finds inspiration in the rhythm of his steps and the quiet of the early hours.