Advent 2021


Saturday of the First Week of Advent: Waiting and Watering

An Image Reflection for the Saturday of the First Week of Advent

STM's Assistant Chaplains will share an image and reflect on it each Saturday. Today, Grace reflects on the blooming of her office orchid after weeks of waiting.

Photo Reflection Orchid

For weeks, I waited with little hope. The once-blooming-orchid had slowly dropped her petals and now looked obstinately lifeless and barren. Perhaps it was my own stubbornness that caused me to keep watering that orchid regularly, week-after-week, waiting...


It is something our students know very well at this point in the semester. Waiting until classes finish. Waiting until papers are submitted and exams are complete. Waiting to see loved ones for Christmas break. Waiting until we can catch up on sleep. Waiting, waiting, waiting!

Yet, students are not static in their waiting. They are studying, attending office hours, collaborating with classmates on final projects, meeting friends for study breaks and winter walks, making travel plans and so much more. 

As Christians, we wait, too. Waiting for Christ to come into our hearts again this Christmas season and, ultimately, waiting for Christ’s return at the end of time. 

Just as students actively wait for the end of the semester, let us actively wait for Christ. Even if we are struggling to find time for prayer or charity or fasting amidst these busy weeks, let us keep reaching for that watering can. The Psalmist today declares, “Blessed are all who wait for the Lord.” Let us wait together, friends, for the Lord who brings hope from despair and life from barrenness. 

Grace Carroll

Grace is one of STM's Assistant Chaplains. Her main area of focus is Undergraduate Ministry.