Every time I read one of the passages about Jesus miraculously feeding a multitude of people, I am reminded of how central it is to our faith. For those who don’t know (I certainly didn’t before I came to YDS), there are two similar-but-separate miracles involving feeding a multitude of people. The first miracle, the “Feeding of the 5,000,” is the only one of Jesus’s miracles to be recorded in all four Gospels. The second reading, today’s “Feeding of the 4,000,” is only mentioned in Matthew and Mark—but is no less important.
In Matthew, Jesus is present with the great crowds that have come to see him: teaching, healing and caring for them for several days. The picture it paints is one of incredible tenderness and joy— as the afflictions of the sick are cured, the crowd is overjoyed and gives more glory to God. Even though the crowd has not eaten in days, they refuse to leave Jesus’s side. Witnessing the needs of the people who have gathered, Jesus performs an additional miracle by feeding those who have nothing before they return to their homes.
As we have just finished Thanksgiving and are moving through our Advent season, it’s important to remember these imperatives from the Gospel. For a message to be repeated so many times, it can’t be optional for us! We are continuously called to care for the poor and suffering among us.
Finally, an important piece to take to heart is that Jesus empowers his followers to bless others and cooperate in miracles. It was the disciples who provided the seven loaves and few fish before distributing them to the crowds. On days when it feels like we bring very little to the table, consider how even the simplest gifts along with faith in Christ can be so much more than enough.