This Sunday, we celebrate “Gaudete” Sunday or “Rejoice” Sunday. This marks the third Sunday of Advent, signified by the rose (pink) candle and vestments that the priest wears during Mass. Like Lent’s Laetare Sunday, it is the mid-way point – we are getting there.
“Gaudete” or “Rejoice” Sunday is reflected in the whole of the liturgy today, beginning with the opening prayer. It is echoed in the first reading, psalm, second reading and, less obviously, in the Gospel.
In the first reading, God has forgiven the people and renewed them. God rejoices and sings about the people. What an awesome realization that God sings about you and rejoices over you.
Conversely, in the psalm, in singing with the words of the Prophet Isaiah, we rejoice to and about God, who is in our midst. We rejoice in God.
In the second reading from St. Paul to the Philippians, Paul instructs the people, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: rejoice! Your kindness should be known to all. The Lord is near.” This is followed by instructions to let go of anxiety and, instead, offer your prayers, petitions and thanks to God.
During this Advent season, we take time to be still and recognize God in our midst as we pray in the silence. We let God quietly rejoice over our being and we, in turn, rejoice in our God who loves us. We allow the rosy-pink hue indicate that something is different in our waiting and stillness. The color of flowers, of cheeks kissed by the sun, of a vibrant winter sunset – at hours that we are sure to see, of looking at life through the optimism of rose-colored glasses and living a life of “La Vie en rose”, all reflect the rose-colored hope and joy we experience in this season of quiet anticipation.
How will you celebrate this Gaudete Sunday – rejoicing in God and letting God rejoice in you?