The Sacrificial Act of Trying
The Catholic tradition of giving up something for Lent is ancient of days and ingrained societally and culturally – many people I know give up...
Catholic Relief Services, the international humanitarian arm of the US Catholic Church, invites us this Lent to reflect on some of the lives that...
The Catholic tradition of giving up something for Lent is ancient of days and ingrained societally and culturally – many people I know give up...
"But when one stronger than he attacks and overcomes him, he takes away the armor on which he relied and distributes the spoils. Whoever is not with...
Have you ever seen a sign, policy, or law and thought: “I wonder what forced them to put that in writing?”
When I see the words, “Peter approached Jesus,” I brace myself for what’s next. I resist the urge to say, “Put your hand down before you embarrass...