Running on Faith: People in Motion

st elmos fire (1)

As we are now in the final stretch of the academic season, many of us are contending with the late nights, the lack of sleep, the caffeine overload, the jitters and the allergies (thanks to these windy New England May days). Even after exams closed this Wednesday, there are still papers to finish, friends to say goodbye to and summer plans to execute—so much that needs to get done in a very short window of time, though it feels like an eternity.

I think we all need a pump-up song right now.

So, here is what I believe to be one of the most awesome, 80s-centric pump-up songs of all time: John Parr’s “St. Elmo’s Fire.” It’s the theme song and first single from the soundtrack of the 1985 film under the same title. For two weeks, it hit #1 on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart and was written and edited in under 24 hours. How do you like that for banging out some timeless, good work when you’re under pressure? Anyway, visit YouTube for it by clicking here, and you’re welcome.

So good, right? But what is this St. Elmo’s fire everyone seems to be striving for? According to Billy Hicks (played by Rob Lowe in the film), as he was trying to calm his friend, Jules (played by Demi Moore), St. Elmo’s fire isn’t a person and isn’t a fire. It was something sailors would claim to see at night to help them with difficult journeys. But according to Hicks the joke was on them, “They made it up because they thought they needed it to keep ‘em going when things got tough.”

There was, in fact, a St. Elmo—Erasmus of Formia, a fourth-century saint and patron of sailors. And there is a fire, maybe not St. Elmo’s, but the fire of the Holy Spirit who guides on our journey, especially when things get tough.

So, with the wheels beneath us, let’s all be people in motion and get the work done that must be done. And soon enough, the Holy Spirit will oblige and take us exactly to “where our future’s lyn’.”

Fr. Ryan Lerner, Chaplain

Fr. Ryan Lerner, Chaplain

Running on Faith is a blog by Fr. Ryan Lerner, Catholic Chaplain at Yale University. An avid runner, Fr. Ryan takes to the streets of New Haven each morning at dawn, where he finds inspiration in the rhythm of his steps and the quiet of the early hours.