STM Fast Facts: 1930s-1940s
STM Fast Facts 1930s – 1940s October 9, 1938: The Solemn Blessing of the Chapel takes place. The Solemn Blessing of the Chapel was originally set for...
This past weekend, we celebrated Word of God Sunday, which Pope Francis established in 2019 to strengthen our connection with sacred scripture and...
STM Fast Facts 1930s – 1940s October 9, 1938: The Solemn Blessing of the Chapel takes place. The Solemn Blessing of the Chapel was originally set for...
Our wedding, on May 20, 1961, was the first wedding in ordinary course at the Chapel. There had been a couple of war-time weddings, but the Chapel...
My mind frequently wanders in church. Shocker, I know. In quiet moments of trying to be prayerful, my train of thought often strays, and like a dog...
John tells us that the Father put everything into the power of the Christ. God, after creating the world in love, handed over the world to His Son so...