First Sunday of Lent

When our children were much younger, my wife and I spent a lot of time taking them to other kid’s birthday parties. We’d hang out by the chips and...

Monday of the Fourth Week of Advent: God is Never Late

Monday of the Fourth Week of Advent: God is Never Late

In our liturgy throughout the Advent season, we are given images and messages preparing us for the Lord’s coming. The candles on the Advent wreath...

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Fourth Sunday of Advent: Fearlessly Trusting the Promises of God

Fourth Sunday of Advent: Fearlessly Trusting the Promises of God

What does it mean to fail to trust God? If someone put me on the spot with that question, I doubt I’d have much trouble answering. I’d think of all...

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Saturday of the Third Week of Advent: The Genealogy of Jesus

Saturday of the Third Week of Advent: The Genealogy of Jesus

An Image Reflection for the Saturday of the Third Week of Advent STM's staff will share an image and reflect on it each Saturday. Today, Grace writes...

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Friday of the Third Week of Advent: Growing into Faith

Friday of the Third Week of Advent: Growing into Faith

Today’s readings fuel the nostalgia settling in as I realize I am graduating college in a few months. It’s odd to think that about four years ago, I...

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