Monday of the First Week of Lent

Growing up, I always thought of Catholicism as just a bunch of rules—things you can’t do, things you must do, and things that will supposedly...

Lent 2022: Finding Balance

Lent 2022: Finding Balance

A Reflection for the Wednesday of the Fifth Week of Lent During the season of Lent, I often think about the idea of balance. To me, it’s important to...

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Lent 2022: Accepting God's Will

Lent 2022: Accepting God's Will

A Reflection for the Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Lent Today’s passage is a story from the Israelites’ journey out of Egypt towards the Promised...

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Lent 2022: Step Into His Light

Lent 2022: Step Into His Light

A Reflection for the Monday of the Fifth Week of Lent Today, we hear Jesus’s famous words, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not...

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Lent 2022: Feeling At Home

Lent 2022: Feeling At Home

A Reflection for the Fifth Sunday of Lent The Church down through history has struggled to understand and comprehend the sacred mystery of who Jesus...

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