Doing the Work of Christian Love
I have always loved the rich affection that the Catholic imagination has for Christ’s Mother. In one sense, Mary is a humble, normal girl, who at a...
Fourth Sunday of Advent: With all due respect, I don’t find many artistic portrayals of the Annunciation to Mary to be very engaging or very real...
I have always loved the rich affection that the Catholic imagination has for Christ’s Mother. In one sense, Mary is a humble, normal girl, who at a...
Monday of the Second Week of Advent: Today’s Gospel reading is a classic: Jesus healed the paralytic. It’s one of the earlier instances of Christ...
Second Sunday of Advent: St. Mark begins his Gospel not with an account of Jesus’ infancy, but rather with a collection of Old Testament prophecies:...
Saturday of the First Week of Advent Most of my suitemates are agnostic, and as the resident Catholic, I am often asked questions concerning my...