Wednesday of the Second Week of Lent: Plot Twist
If I could describe the readings today in one phrase, it would be “plot twist.” The readings are continually taking our expectations of what “should”...
When our children were much younger, my wife and I spent a lot of time taking them to other kid’s birthday parties. We’d hang out by the chips and...
If I could describe the readings today in one phrase, it would be “plot twist.” The readings are continually taking our expectations of what “should”...
Isaiah exhorts us to “cease doing evil; learn to be good, Make justice your aim: redress the wronged.” The Psalmist tells us “to him that goes the...
I (generally) like rules and am good at following directions. I am a “get things done right away” type of person and am very wary of procrastination....
What would it mean if we were to find ourselves defined entirely by our need for mercy? The passages from Psalm 33 in today's lectionary do precisely...