Running on Faith: Guardian Angels
During the second half of a recent eight-mile tempo run, as I was urging myself to dig deeper and finish strong, an image popped into my mind of a...
Growing up, I always thought of Catholicism as just a bunch of rules—things you can’t do, things you must do, and things that will supposedly...
During the second half of a recent eight-mile tempo run, as I was urging myself to dig deeper and finish strong, an image popped into my mind of a...
My priest support group, which was established over thirty years ago, with Fr. Bob Beloin as one of the founding members, just began reading The...
There are some mornings, more often than I’d like to admit, when the last thing I want to do is run. I’ll walk around my residence, check my email...
For the first time in two years, on a characteristically sunny and humid Labor Day morning, the New Haven community gathered together for the first...