Monday of the First Week of Lent

Growing up, I always thought of Catholicism as just a bunch of rules—things you can’t do, things you must do, and things that will supposedly...

Lent 2021: Spring Rain

Lent 2021: Spring Rain

A Photo Reflection for the Saturday of the Third Week of Lent God will come to us like the rain, like spring rain that waters the earth. --Hosea 6:3

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Lent 2021: Loving God and Loving Our Neighbor Takes Many Forms

Lent 2021: Loving God and Loving Our Neighbor Takes Many Forms

A Video Reflection for the Friday of the Third Week of Lent Each Friday during Lent, STM's chaplains will share a video reflection. In today's video...

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Running on Faith: Harden Not Our Hearts

Running on Faith: Harden Not Our Hearts

When reading the Gospels, one thing that has always captivated me is the amount of time, energy, love and thoughtfulness that Jesus expends on his...

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Lent 2021: Fír Flathemon and Community

Lent 2021: Fír Flathemon and Community

A Reflection for the Wednesday of the Third Week of Lent Meet Niall. He’s a just a guy doing his job in eighth-century Ireland. He’s pretty respected...

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