Monday of the First Week of Lent

Growing up, I always thought of Catholicism as just a bunch of rules—things you can’t do, things you must do, and things that will supposedly...

Lent 2021: God's Numbers

Lent 2021: God's Numbers

A Reflection for the Tuesday of the Third Week of Lent Today’s gospel reading concerns itself with the world of numbers. In an attempt to quantify...

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Lent 2021: On Living as Pilgrims and Prophets

Lent 2021: On Living as Pilgrims and Prophets

A Reflection for the Monday of the Third Week of Lent “Amen, I say to you, no prophet is accepted in his own native place” (Luke 4:24). With these...

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Lent 2021: Revealing the Heart of a Jealous God

Lent 2021: Revealing the Heart of a Jealous God

A Reflection for the Third Sunday of Lent Jealousy. This is a term most of us probably think of as a bad thing, we would not want to be described as...

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Lent 2021: The Prodigal Son

Lent 2021: The Prodigal Son

A Reflection for the Saturday of the Second Week of Lent Today’s gospel presents the classic parable of the Prodigal Son. What I love most about this...

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